Brett Connell (VAFA CEO) and George Voyage (VAFA President)
The VAFA Board met this evening in response to recent State Government announcements related to geographical lockdowns (as a result of the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 infections in Melbourne) and determined the 2020 VAFA season will be cancelled.
It is clear that the health and safety risks are far too great to proceed with the 2020 season.
This decision is not an easy one and has not been made lightly, however the overriding factor of our social responsibility and the health and well-being of the community was at the forefront of our discussions.
At all times the VAFA Board, Management and the Administration Team have been conscious of our charter – to provide an amateur football competition for men and women in metropolitan Melbourne, in a safe and enjoyable manner and we have worked diligently to achieve a positive outcome in very difficult and challenging times for all concerned. This is clearly not possible in the current environment.
Other factors influencing this decision by the VAFA Board:
- The health and well being of our VAFA community
- The financial viability of all clubs – short and long term
- VAFA Club sustainability
- The burden on club volunteers
- Legal liability (insurance)
- The possibility of a compromised season
- Further COVID19 outbreaks impacting our competitions
We take this opportunity to thank our clubs for your support and understanding across the last three months of uncertainty and applaud your drive and resilience under very difficult circumstances. While it is with a heavy heart we make the decision to cancel the 2020 season, we will now turn our efforts into planning for an exciting ‘comeback’ season in 2021. First and foremost we intend to support our Clubs to ensure everyone is back out on the park next year.
To our valued commercial partners, thank you for supporting our decisions and holding firm with us. We look forward to your ongoing partnership as we work together to find a way forward and return to the field bigger and better in 2021. Your ongoing support is highly valued.
The VAFA would like to acknowledge the efforts of the VAFAUA across the last three months in working to support the Association and Clubs, a partnership and negotiation which further strengthened our relationship.
We would also like to recognize the role of other community leagues, AFL Victoria and the AFL in collaboratively working through the various issues which we all faced during these unprecedented times. We take this opportunity to thank the VAFA community for its ongoing support and implore you and your communities to stay healthy, safe and strong as we move forward together.