Matt Dervan – Umpire Operations Manager
Whilst the 2020 season has been cancelled it gives the umpiring department a great opportunity to plan and review our coaching practices and structure in order for us to continue driving our umpiring group to be the best in metropolitan Melbourne, in which we continue to provide our clubs and competition the best standard of officiating.
We are currently looking at different opportunities and methods to streamline the operations and administration of umpiring. As our clubs and umpires move into what a ‘new normal’ may encompass, we have an exciting project currently in the works that is going to be of huge benefit for our clubs, umpires and umpiring department staff.
Personally I am currently residing in the Gold Coast for the AFL season, so stay tuned for some exclusive engagement pieces that will be a part of this newsletter as we get to know VAFA umpires of the past who are currently plying their trade at the top level.
Check out this interview from June with AFL Field Umpire Robert O’Gorman who explains why the VAFA was his umpiring home early in his career and the importance of coaching in the development of umpires at all levels. He also touches on the ability to thrive in pressure environments and the ways he deals with negative and constructive feedback in a positive way.